General Information & Forms

  • Much effort goes into planning and arranging our Guild's programs, held in conjunction with our monthly meeting. With a wide variety of topics and speakers, our general meeting occurs the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm.

  • The Board of Directors and Committee Members meet the Monday after the General Meeting each month. Guild members are welcome to attend. Board Meetings follow the By-Laws and Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

  • On occasion, the Guild offers workshops, usually in conjunction with the program speaker of the monthly meeting. A fee for the workshop is charged to participating members.

  • Our membership year runs May 1st to April 30th. Annual membership dues are $25 for the year and are due May 1st. For new members joining after October 31st, dues are $12.50. Payments may be made in cash or by check payable to “Bay Area Quilt Guild”. Members who are age 90 or older at the beginning of the new annual membership year (May 1st) will become honorary members and are no longer required to pay dues. Click here for the membership form.

  • Members are sent an electronic newsletter each month via email. Members without an email address should select an “email buddy”—someone who will provide them the newsletter each month.

  • Bay Area Quilt Guild pins are available at monthly meetings at a cost of $5 per pin. They can be obtained at each meeting at the Membership Table.

  • The New Member orientation packet contains two name tag patterns: one is a quilt design, the other is a cross-stitch design. These patterns are merely suggestions, so feel free to be creative and design your own. Please wear your name tag to each meeting. This makes it much easier to get to know one another. If you forget your name tag, a paper name tag can be purchased at the Membership Table for a $0.25 donation. Name Tags are required to participate in the drawings.

  • Members are requested to sign in at each meeting. The sign-in sheets help us capture how many members are attending each meeting, which is helpful in planning for refreshments, handouts, chair set-ups, and more. Also, please note all service hours when signing in.

  • Refreshments are a fun part of our meetings and with our system, you will only have to bring food and beverages once during the year. Usually there are 8 to 10 members who bring food each month. All members are encouraged to participate. Members are selected alphabetically for food. Beverages are donated by those with birthdays during the specific month of the meeting. Members are typically sent an email reminder by the Hospitality Chairperson when it is their turn to bring food or beverages. It is also posted in the newsletter each month. If you are unable to bring food or beverages during the month requested, please bring them another month when you are able to participate.

  • Bees serve various purposes in our guild, both social and educational. If you would like to join in on the fun by joining an existing Bee or establishing a new one, contact the Bee Coordinator. No prior experience is needed, as members are patient and supportive of beginners.

  • If there is enough interest, Secret Pals organize December and June for the following number of months specified at the time of each participation request announcement. Those participating fill out informational forms. The forms are secretly exchanged. Once each month and on special occasions (birthday, anniversary, etc.), send a card or a small gift to your secret pal. Secret Pals are revealed at the May or December meeting.

  • Each month, the Fat Chance coordinator designates what type of fat quarter to bring for the drawing, such as florals, plaids, blues, etc. For each fat quarter you enter, your name is entered in the drawing. Fat quarters are put into piles of 8-10 quarters, depending on how many fat quarters were entered, and names are drawn for each stack.

  • Door prizes are displayed, and tickets are sold before the meeting and during the break for $0.50 per ticket or three tickets for $1. Members and guests can purchase door prize tickets. You must be present to win a door prize.

  • One meeting in the spring is usually set aside for the Auction. This is a major fundraiser that helps defray operating costs for the Guild. Members and non-members donate items to be auctioned. Past items include quilts, quilt tops, blocks, fabrics, notions, other crafts, scraps, etc… the list is endless. Bidding rules are explained at the time of the auction. The Auction includes a Silent Auction and a Live Auction, which can get pretty lively! This activity is a lot of fun and eagerly awaited. Bring a guest or a few guests and tell them to bring their checkbook. This is a fundraiser—so the more the better.

  • During the month of May, the Guild holds its annual Banquet and installations of officers. If you are interested in any of the officer positions, you can read about these positions in our By-Laws; a description of each position is provided.

  • At our December meeting, we do not have a program. The December meeting is set aside for the annual Christmas Party. There is a meal and then typically, the Committee and Board members provide the dessert, but other members are also welcome to bring goodies. The entertainment for the evening varies on the Party Girls’ plans. Don't miss the fun!

  • Did you know that by being a guild member, you may be eligible for a discount at some quilt shops? “Fabrics Etcetera”, located at 571 West Bay Area Blvd, is a big supporter of our Guild and usually provides a 10% discount on fabric, thread, books, and more. Be sure to show your membership card and ask for your discount before they ring you up. If shopping at another quilt shop or at JoAnn’s, ask if there is a discount for Guild members and show your membership card. It’s always worth a try!

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